The Lavender House 10340 121 Street, Edmonton, AB | call 780.488.1302 | shop hours M-Th 9am - 5:30pm / F 9am - 6pm / Sat 9:30am - 5pm / Sun CLOSED

Everything Roses

Almond flower Left side
Lavender House purple logo
Almond flower

Choose from a few roses, a couple of dozen roses or some other handcrafted funky rose designs.

Roses have been a timeless gift now for a long time and make for a perfect gift no matter what the occasion. You can pick from a traditional design or a modern design of roses and have them delivered in Edmonton, St. Albert or Sherwood Park.

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Within Edmonton $15.99 | Outside Edmonton $25.99

Gift card

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This is a digital gift card. After the purchase, you will receive an email with the gift card and instructions on how to use it. The card can be used as payment for any products we have.
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