The Lavender House 10340 121 Street, Edmonton, AB | call 780.488.1302 | shop hours M-Th 9am - 5:30pm / F 9am - 6pm / Sat 9:30am - 5pm / Sun CLOSED


We have brought you a light but touching compilation of the meaning of your favourite flowers. Therefore, your next bouquet selection is even more special for you and your loved one.
Your garden is not only a place for beauty or the harvest of your next meal, it can also become your most effective healing ally. Discover all the benefits you can get from the following flowers and plants
When times are tough, it can be challenging for them to keep their doors open and continue to serve their communities with the level of excellence that they have been known for in the past.
Gardening also comes with its fair share of tools, so it's easy to get confused about which one to pick first.
Mother's Day is just around the corner, and what better way to show your appreciation to the mom in your life than with a bouquet of her favourite flowers?
If you enjoy buying fresh flowers, you may be wondering how to make flowers last longer. This is a common issue that people have since cut flowers don’t have a very long lifespan.